How much of a Swiftie are you?

This quiz is to see how much of a Swiftie you really are! First you answer a few questions about Taylor Swift, then you will guess the song certain lines belong to.

If You don't like your results, then you can just take the test again! I hope that you are happy with whatever score you got! Have fun! Once you are done with the test, tell me what you thought!

Created by: Maya
  1. How old was Taylor when she started her career?
  2. When was Taylor's Birthday?
  3. Where did Taylor grow up?
  4. Who was Taylor's first boyfriend?
  5. How many grammy's has Taylor won?
  6. Who was Taylor named after?
  7. The next few questions will be where there is a part of a song and you will have to guess what song it is.
  8. I'll meet you when you're out of the church by the back door.
  9. I wake up screaming from dreaming
  10. I don't know about you

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Quiz topic: How much of a Swiftie am I?
