How well do you know sports

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Have you ever wondered if you know sports, or are your friends just being nice. Now you have a quiz to prove to your self you are sport smart. Or you can prove them stupid friends you are sport smart.

This quiz is 87% correct. That percentage is 100% percent garenteed. I hope you like this quiz. There are 15 questions. All the questions are correct.

Created by: Jimmy
  1. Who won NFL MVP 2016
  2. What team cheated into winning the World Series
  3. How many Super Bowls do the Patriots have
  4. Who hit the bird with a pitch
  5. What did team did Chris Paul get drafted by
  6. How many times did LeBron James get traded
  7. Who is the highest paid OL in football
  8. Who hit the most home runs in 2017
  9. What is LeBron James kid named
  10. How many teams have Tom Brady played for(Counting 2020)
  11. What is the New England Patriots nickname
  12. How many teams have Russell Westbrook played for
  13. How many NFL games have Tua Tangovialo played
  14. Did Ken Griffey Jr. walk in his debut
  15. Did you like my quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know sports

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