What Equestrian Sport is Best for You?

This quiz I tried to make will tell you what sport you might be into! If you find something you might like, look it up and try it out. If you don't find something, I'm sorry!

Yeah, I know I didn't get all of the sports. I wanted it to be fair between western and english sports, and I could only think up of 2 major Western ones.

Created by: The Dun Pinto Pony
  1. Do you ride English or Western?
  2. What are you looking for?
  3. What is your horse's personality?
  4. Do you think you're brave?
  5. How much training are you willing to put into it?
  6. Is your horse spooky?
  7. What color is your horse? (Just out of curiosity, this doesn't affect your score)
  8. Ok, it makes me do at least 10 questions. Just do any answer for the rest of the questions.
  9. blah
  10. Blah again because 10 questions

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