What Sport Is Right For You?

Many of us have turned on the TV or the radio to hear something about a famous sports star. Maybe they injured themselves, or retired. Or maybe they did something amazing! Either way, we all know who they are.

Have you ever wondered which sport you were born to play? Well now, with this short quiz, you can find out! And if you already play a sport, take this quiz and find out if your sport is right for YOU!

Created by: Colton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like running?
  2. Are you strong?
  3. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
  4. Do you need something in your hands at all times? *holding*
  5. Are you afraid of getting hurt?
  6. Preferred season of sports?
  7. Do you care about conditioning for your sport?
  8. Are you flexible?
  9. How accurately can you throw something?
  10. How well do you remember rules?
  11. Which one sounds the most familiar?
  12. Who sounds most familiar?
  13. How tall are you?

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