How well do you know solar eclipses?

Hi there! Welcome to my quiz about solar eclipses. I was inspired to make this quiz because of the solar eclipse that happened in the continental US today! (October 14, 2023)

See how much you really know about these awesome celestial events! Feel free to comment with your thoughts, questions, and ideas! Good luck, and enjoy the quiz!

Created by: BusyArtisticPony
  1. What is an eclipse, in general?
  2. What is a solar eclipse as seen from Earth?
  3. What is an annular solar eclipse?
  4. What is a partial solar eclipse?
  5. What is a total solar eclipse?
  6. What is a hybrid solar eclipse?
  7. What causes partial eclipses?
  8. What causes total solar eclipses?
  9. What causes annular solar eclipses?
  10. On average, how often does a spot on Earth get to view a full (total or annular) solar eclipse?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know solar eclipses?
