How much do you know about the first series Wings of Fire?

Do you know about the first series of Wings of Fire? Do you remember all the events that happened in the books? Take this quiz to find out if you need to reread or not, or if you just need to start reading the books!

Hello! I'm Eclipsestar228 on here, if you didn't know! But a lot of people just call me Eclipse! I recommend Warrior Cats to you if you haven't read the books! If you would like to chat to me, I'm usually on the forums at [no urls]! Thank you, and have a great week!

Created by: Eclipsestar228
  1. In the first book, who kept the dragonets in the cave?
  2. Who was sent to swim through the long water tunnel?
  3. Who captured the dragonets in the first book?
  4. Who are the dragonets?
  5. Who is the smart sandwing daughter?
  6. Who is the strong sandwing daughter?
  7. Who is the pretty sandwing daughter?
  8. Who almost killed Queen Scarlet at the arena?
  9. Who is the main character in the second book?
  10. Who is Queen Coral's long lost daughter?
  11. Who does the seawings fight for?
  12. Who does the skywings and mudwings fight for?
  13. Who does the icewings and sandwings fight for?
  14. Who does the rainwings and nightwings fight for?
  15. Who captured the dragonets near the end of the second book?
  16. How many secret tunnels were in the third book?
  17. How many rainwing queens were there?
  18. Who became queen after defeating the rainwing queens?
  19. Who was kidnapping the rainwings?
  20. In the fourth book, who was the main character?
  21. How did Queen Battlewinner die?
  22. Who shares the rainforest with the rainwings?
  23. In the fifth book, who was Sunny's mother?
  24. How did Burn die?
  25. How did Blister die?
  26. Who became the sandwing queen?
  27. Who saved Clay's life?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the first series Wings of Fire?

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