how well do you know one direction

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" are you a geniues you have brainpowerto qualify for that prestigious title? until now you could only wonder. but thanks to this great quiz , in just a few minutes you will find out."

Created by: braleigh
  1. when is harrys birthday
  2. who likes girls who eat carrots
  3. who is in one direction
  4. who came up with one direction
  5. who sings first in every song
  6. what is there first abum called
  7. who is irish
  8. who is the flirt
  9. who is the funny one
  10. who has a life size statue of obama
  11. who hates amusement parks
  12. what is louis birds name
  13. who has the habbit of walking around with no clothes on
  14. who are the funniest in one direction

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Quiz topic: How well do I know one direction