one direction infection

Hey all you one direction fans if you want to test your knolage on these guys you can this test is really easy just the basics of one direction if you dont do so well whatever its ok you can do better next time

You know who one direction but if you dont you should pick a diffrent quiz because this is a one direction quiz duh the title is "One irection infection" one direction is my favoite and it can maybe yours!!!

Created by: lana

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the oldest?
  2. December 24 is?
  3. how did Harry and Louis first meet
  4. Which is true?!
  5. what song is this from "close the door turn the lights off I wanna be with you I wanna feel your love..."
  6. what is the bro mance call between Louis and Harry?
  7. whar place did one direction get in the X factor
  8. Where did they first play in the U.S. tour?
  9. what did Louis shout out in the video diary
  10. what do they wish they could bring on tour

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