how well do you know minecraft

this quiz will be great but i need at least 150 characters so here's some letters. qwertytred1yexwtiygc1eicygqdxi1eu1did19efuxiyhdiwyrbxksufbdurfxwqwerty

anyway here's more letters. qwertytrewjdvgdcqchwecqsxhwecuhweciuqdxiqxjhqecyqdusxtfqucywdbcfwijx 2ijn1okexnqouhwiycqwer- oops forgot i need to tell you something. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. what is the most common block used to build a house in survival?
  3. what was the creeper's originally wanted mob
  4. what sound does a ghast make
  5. moo.
  6. okay here is all about blocks
  7. what block starts with waxed and ends with slab
  8. useless block
  9. notch
  10. what do you get when a skeleton kills a creeper
  11. are you confident to get 100%

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Quiz topic: How well do I know minecraft
