How Well Do You Know Me? [UPDATED]

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Welcome to the updated "How Well Do You Know Me?" quiz! As always, time is changing and so am I, so I thought why not make a remake quiz to get the ball rolling!

These are basic questions about me, and some of my likes and dislikes. I have frequented the forums for a bit, so if you'd like to test your knowledge about me, this is the quiz for you!

Created by: Mused Jade
  1. How old am I?
  2. What is my birth month?
  3. What is my favorite movie genre?
  4. What are my current favorite video games?
  5. How many animals do I own?
  6. What is a long term goal of mine?
  7. What was my original account on GoToQuiz?
  8. What is my favorite type of ice cream?
  9. Who is my (current) favorite music artist?
  10. What are my favorite gemstones?
  11. What are my (current( favorite shows?
  12. What snack out of the ones listed below, is my favorite?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me? [UPDATED]
