How Well Do You Know the Squid Game Series?

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Hello and welcome the Squid Game quiz! This quiz will test your knowledge about this popular Korean dystopian series! Squid Game has gained mass popularity since it came out, and it's only fair to make a quiz on it!

Squid Game was released September 27th, 2021 and took the world by storm. It was released by streaming platform Netflix, and it seems like everything from that point is history!

Created by: Mused Jade
  1. Who created the series?
  2. Who is the main character of Squid Game?
  3. What was Sang-woo's job before joining the games?
  4. What does Player 001 say his favorite game was as a child?
  5. How many episodes are in Season 1 of Squid Game?
  6. What emotional conflict do players face with the marble game?
  7. What color are the masks worn by the VIP's?
  8. What is Gi-hun's occupation before entering Squid Game?
  9. What does the Front Man focus on during the latter part of the game?
  10. Why is Gi-hun's life initially spiraling?
  11. What is a common theme throughout Squid Game?
  12. How often do Squid Games reportedly occur?
  13. Which character gets betrayed during the marble game?
  14. What is the consequence of a tie in the marble match?
  15. Who saves Gi-hun's life by pulling him forward during Red Light, Green Light?
  16. What rank of guard is No-eul?
  17. Gyeong-seok (Player 246) has a daughter who's suffering from what disease?
  18. Hyun-ju (Player 120) lost her job when she began transitioning. What was her previous job?
  19. What is the name of the cryptocurrency Myung-gi promoted, which turned out to be a scam?
  20. Seon-nyeo (Player 044) is a ______?
  21. Thanos (Player 230) sneaks drugs into the game in a necklace shaped like a ______?
  22. Dae-ho (Player 388) was purportedly part of which branch of the Korean armed forces?
  23. What is the name of the club Nam-gyu (Player 124) worked at prior to joining the game?
  24. How did Min-su (Player 125) accumulate his debt?
  25. What Korean food item are the players given prior to bathroom fight/Lights Out?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know the Squid Game Series?
