How Well Do You Know Me?

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I am Sunborn. I really want to levelup, so can you please take this quiz? Also, I hope you have fun taking it... After you skim over the second informative paragraph, of course.

Let me take a moment to introduce myself! I'm Sunborn, you can call me Sun, and I'm thirteen. Want to take the quiz now? :( Aw, I have to write a few more words. There we go.

Created by: Sunborn
  1. When did I make an account on GTQ?
  2. ALL HAIL QUEEN SPICE! Would I disagree or agree with this statement?
  3. What's my aesthetic?
  4. Am I female, male, or non-binary?
  5. Who was the first person to post in my first thread? (Besides me)
  6. What was my first thread called?
  7. What was the subtitle of my first thread?
  8. What's my profile picture?
  9. If I were to have an alt, what would I call it?
  10. Have I been on this site before?
  11. What is my real name?
  12. What is my sexuality?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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