How Cottagecore are you??

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Have you ever wondered just how "Cottagecore" you are? Have you seen the Cottagecore aesthetic online and thought you may align with it? Take this quiz to see if that's accurate!

I have looked up everything to do with this aesthetic and culture to pull out the most important aspects to it, and apply it to this quiz! This subculture is so pretty, I couldn't not do it after the Gremlincore one!

  1. Have you heard of Cottagecore before?
  2. Do you enjoy doing activities such as farming, crafting, sewing, baking or cooking?
  3. Do you own many sweaters or long skirts?
  4. Are you maximalist or minimalist?
  5. What colors do you wear most?
  6. Do you or would you like to live on a farm?
  7. Do you enjoy tea or coffee? This isn't a requirement, but will just barely affect your score!
  8. Do you enjoy floral print on things?
  9. Do you consider yourself self-sufficient? (ex. making your own food or clothing instead of buying it)
  10. Do you enjoy simplistic life?
  11. Have you ever tried to grow a garden?
  12. Do you consider yourself feminine in some way? (Whether this be a feminine girl, feminine non-binary or unaligned gender, or feminine boy -- All is welcome in this space!)
  13. Do you find yourself satisfied by the idea of living out a Cottagecore life?
  14. How does the Cottagecore style make you feel?
  15. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How Cottagecore am I??
