How well u know doctor V2 lets go

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So now I gotta write the informative paragraphs so this is basically a harder version of the previous quiz but the previous quiz was kinda hard cuz it had hard questions and yea

So this is the other informative paragraph so let me tell you some things about Nick C Nick C is in the fifth grade and is also one of the cousins who are 4

Created by: CodyM3342
  1. How old is Riggus?
  2. Who is my favorite rapper?
  3. What is my favorite video game?
  4. What’s my favorite stroke? (Jake, only u wood know this)
  5. What’s my favorite video game from 2012? (Corn, only u wood know this)
  6. Which member of the Jacob Brown family household am I?
  7. What type of music do I like?
  8. What type of car does my dad drive?
  9. On what date did Keith and I become single boyos?
  10. What is my favorite ride at Hersheybark?
  11. What date was the first entry in the Jake doc made?
  12. What is the reason for my girl crush?
  13. What is my likelihood of getting the ghastly virus?
  14. Jacob responder w/ a firm

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