How Well Do You Know Me?

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Well, whatever just happened, I don't know. I wrote two informative paragraphs (these paragraphs you see here) but this one just disappeared so I have to write it again.

So, buckle your seatbelt and get comfortable. Are you ready for the absolute weirdest road trip? No, just kidding. You'll be answering some questions about me.

Created by: A Scathing Rain
  1. I have perfect eyesight.
  2. I am _____. Fill in the blank.
  3. I have been on GTQ for...
  4. I speak:
  5. I like the color(s):
  6. I have an RP Directory in the Stage.
  7. I have participated in: (as of 2/12/21)
  8. I am a Neko.
  9. I know how many people on GTQ?
  10. What is the account I joined the forums under?
  11. My favorite food is:
  12. Draco asked if my first account's pfp was:

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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