Hunger Games BOOK 1 Quiz

Hiiiii so basically, what this quiz is all about is the first book in the Hunger Games Trilogy! This book is all about Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the future of America: Panem

So yeah I have to write 2 informative paragraphs with 150 characters each and I dunno what to put so ya know hiiiiii :D B) ;> >.< .^. *-* :P :o

Created by: hajaru
  1. Who was originally chosen to be the female tribute for District 12?
  2. What detail made Katniss volounteer to take her place?
  3. Who was originally chosen to be the male tribute for District 12?
  4. How did the tributes get to the Capitol?
  5. What was the name of the interviewer?
  6. What score did Katniss get in training?
  7. How did she get that score?
  8. What was the name of Katniss' stylist?
  9. What did Katniss and Peeta dress in for the opening ceremony?
  10. Why did Katniss not get the bow at the Cornucopia
  11. What did Haymitch tell Katniss and Peeta to do as soon as the starting signal went off?
  12. How did Katniss know that a source of water was nearby?
  13. How is Glimmer killed?
  14. Who is Katniss' first ally in the arena?
  15. Who kills Rue?
  16. What is the new rule introduced?
  17. Please comment & rate!

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