How well do you know me | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How well do you know me.
I'll add some more questions to this at a later time haha
50% That's better than I was expecting.
*gasp* You don't like mushrooms?
Haha. I do not. Tried them a few times before
Well, at least you're not judging them without trying them.
My dad also made some bacon wrapped mushrooms before as well. Tried again, maybe the bacon would help? Nope lol
But yepyep.
That sounds absolutely delicious.
Got a 75 on my own lmao
I know you 20%, I tried haha!
I got 40%
70% :)
I only got 40% ðŸ˜
I'm going to go cry now -
15%... x3
- 1