How well do you know Lunar from Krew?

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This quiz will make you think about how much you know who Lunar from Krew is! If you watch Krew I’ll ask a question but it doesn’t relate to your score!

You should watch Krew to know how to play this quiz. I’m only in elementary school and I’m making this so I don’t know a lot.Please don’t get mad at bad spelling or anything

Created by: Evelyn
  1. What is Lunars favorite color
  2. Are Krew siblings?
  3. Who is Draco’s enemy
  4. If Krew did a GenderBend again who is Draco
  5. What’s Lunars real name?
  6. Is lunar a witch
  7. In YHS who does Yandere kill?
  8. Was she in the YHS series?
  9. How old is Lunar?
  10. Is lunar scary to the krew?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Lunar from Krew?

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