Gordon Lunar New Year Quiz

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Hello friends! I hope you enjoy testing your knowledge on Lunar New Year! Hopefully, you will learn something new through this quiz! HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!!!!

This quiz was made to give everyone the opportunity to learn about one aspect of the culture of some Asian countries. Of course, not all facts are included in this quiz, but we hope this can give you a brief overview of this celebration!

Created by: Bea Romero
  1. How many zodiac animals are there in the Chinese calendar?
  2. What proportion of the world celebrates Lunar New Year?
  3. What are the most prominent colors in Lunar New Year?
  4. What gift do many people receive/give?
  5. What animal is celebrated this year (2021)?
  6. How long does the Chinese New Year festival last?
  7. Which American state has the biggest Lunar New Year Celebration?
  8. Which country does NOT celebrate lunar new year?
  9. What happens to the people in South Korea during Lunar New Year?
  10. What show is the world's biggest in China during Lunar New Year?

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