How well do you know Hollyleaf?

How well do you know Hollyleaf? Pretty well? My quiz will tell you if you know Hollyleaf, or need to study your warrior cat books. I adore Hollyleaf. Do you?

There are few people who truly know Hollyleaf through and through. Do you?, I ask again. If you really want to find out, take my quiz! You may learn something...

Created by: Hollyleaf

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. First of all, how are you?
  2. What is more important to Hollyleaf than anything else?
  3. (SPOILER ALERT!) Does Hollyleaf die when she went into the tunnels and the rocks fell?
  4. Is Hollyleaf in a prophecy?
  5. Does Hollyleaf have a power of her own?
  6. How did she murder Ashfur?
  7. Why did she kill Ashfur?
  8. How does Hollyleaf save Thunderclan from an attack from Windclan from in the tunnels?
  9. Who are Hollyleaf's parents?
  10. What is Hollyleaf's family's biggest secret?
  11. Now about her brothers...
  12. So, what are her brothers names?
  13. What is Lionblaze's special power?
  14. What is Jayfeather's special power?
  15. What is most unusual about Jayfeather?
  16. Whom does Lionblaze love?
  17. Back to Hollyleaf!!!!
  18. Why does Hollyleaf run into the tunnels?
  20. So... Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Hollyleaf? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Characters Quiz category.