How well do you know Demi Lovato?

Some people are smarter than others on different levels. Some on math, some on dirt. But who is a true loyal fan of Demi Lovato? There may be more than one out there, are you one?

See what it takes to know whether you should be spending time on getting to know Demi Lovato a bit better, even if you never meet her, at least you can call yourself a fan.

Created by: Carol W.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are her fav colours?
  2. What is her favourite food?
  3. Fav dessert?
  4. When did she release her first album?
  5. What are her fav holiday's?
  6. Which of these songs is in her first album?
  7. Which of these songs is NOT in her 2015 album?
  8. Which of these trees is she allergic to?
  9. What is she all allergic to?
  10. What are her dogs names?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Demi Lovato?