How well do YOU know your Demi Lovato facts?

This quiz is about Demi Lovato. The best pop artist of our generation. She is an amazing person and musician and anyone who likes her is very lucky because she's awesome!

So, how well do you actually know Demi? True, diehard Lovatics know as much as possible about Demi and are considered stalkers in other peoples opinions but we know that they're just jealous that are girl is the best!

Created by: Cassidy Penner
  1. When and where was Demi born?
  2. At what age was demi when her parents divorced?
  3. What are the names of Demi's sister/s?
  4. At what age was Demi the first time she cut herself?
  5. What year did Demi win Mini Miss Texas?
  6. What year was Demi nominated for a Grammy?
  7. Which of the men below did Demi NOT date?
  8. Which of the following was Demi NOT in rehab for the first time?
  9. When is Demi's sobriety "birthday"?
  10. In which grade did Demi ask to be homeschooled after being bullied a lot?
  11. Which Demi album was her first number 1 album?
  12. What was the first color Demi ever died her hair?
  13. Which of these things is Demi allergic to?
  14. What tattoo does she have for her dog Buddy?
  15. Finish the lyrics: The day I first met you you told me ___________________.
  16. What is the name of Demi's gym?
  17. What are the names of Demi's dogs (2018)?
  18. Finish the lyrics: you did your best or did you, sometimes I think I __________________.
  19. Finish the lyrics: some may say I need to _____________.
  20. And last, what is her favorite food?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my Demi Lovato facts?
