How well do you know BTS?

Do you think you know all about our favorite young K-Pop stars? Try this quiz with questions all Armies should know about BTS. Hope you have fun with this!

I'm still in the middle of being a baby ARMY and full ARMY fan, so I'm sorry if it isn't great. Please try to answer questions without googling first! I had fun making this quiz! Please enjoy!

Created by: BTS_ARMY
  1. What month and year did BTS debut?
  2. On most interviews, what does Jin say?
  3. What is RM's real name?
  4. What is the name of Yoongi's solo song from August 24, 2018
  5. Which of these songs did Yoongi produce himself?
  6. What instrument did TaeHyung play?
  7. How long was TaeHyung a trainee for BIGHIT?
  8. Which member has a favorite food of pizza?
  9. Which member wants to be like their dad?
  10. Who's Role Model is T.O.P from Big Bang?
  11. Who is the one who creates the choreography?
  12. What do the member mostly tease Jimin by?
  13. Jungkook is the... (warning: There are two correct choices but one can only be picked)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know BTS?
