Which character from "Stars we're made of" are you?

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"Stars we're made of" is the first novel by the Swedish author Celia Östergaard's new duology "A sea of stars." Take the quiz and find out which character you are!

Celia Östergaard debuted in 2021 with her historical fiction novel "The Romanov Diary" - a story about the Romanov family and their fate. "Stars we're made of" is her second novel, a fantasy/history saga about love and inequality.

Created by: Celia stergaard
  1. What is your zodiac element?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. How would your rather spend a day off?
  4. Someone you love has been kidnapped by pirates, what do you do to get them back?
  5. What quality do you like the most about yourself?
  6. Quick! You're about to be attacked by a pirate, choose your weapon!
  7. What quality do you NOT like about yourself?
  8. Where would you go for a well-deserved vacation?
  9. What's your relationship status?
  10. Finally, what do you want to be when you grow up?

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Quiz topic: Which character from "Stars we're made of" am I?
