How weird are you??

There are many mysteries in this universe, many that will be solved, and many that will never be brought to light..... That being said, this quiz has nothing to do with anything like that! Enjoy!!

Are you a Genius?? Are you an Oddball??? Are you actually a fig roll riding a unicycle through Angel Delight???? Lets see shall we???????????????????????????????????????????????

Created by: Stuart

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You wake up in a hotel room, wearing Batmans utility belt, a false moustache and wellington boots, how do you explain this situation to your mates??
  2. A chicken tells you the sky is falling. What do you do?
  3. How often do you cook your food whilst discussing politics with it?
  4. What would you do if you woke up one day and you had a red beard down to your knees and every time you trim it, it regrows instantly?
  5. Why is cheese??
  6. Why is the cat hiding behind the DVD player??
  7. Apple, or Blackberry??
  8. You have discovered that someone is living in your cellar. He/she is not there at the moment. What do you do??
  9. Lars Ulrich from Metallica comes round for coffee, do you?
  10. You've been out in Camden, hunting green buffalo with your patented Squid Rifle, when a squirrel with a hand grenade menaces you..... What do you do??

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Quiz topic: How weird am I??