How Cthulhu are you?

How Cthulhu are you? Did you graduate at the Miskatonic university? Partake in cults secretly in high school? Have you ever read the necronomicon? Did you ever suffer vivid and unworldly nightmares as a child?

Depending on the nature of your answer, you may be deemed downright insane or a cultist. You may even be the actual Cthulhu himself (Does he even go onto the internet?).

Created by: Anonymous
  1. First question: How old are you?
  2. How superstitious are you?
  3. Do you believe in the occult?
  4. Have you ever had a strange dream or nightmare with hideous monsters?
  5. What average mark did you graduate from high school?
  6. Who is your best friend?
  7. Do you like worms?
  8. Do you know who Abdul Alhazred is?
  9. What is your favourite Color?
  10. Final Question: What is your preferred method of transport?

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