how urban are you?

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please dont be offended by my quiz just remember its just for for anyway my quiz is about how urban you are it just ask questions like do you use public transportation and if you see a lot of animals

I also might have some spelling errors since im am kind of in a rush this quiz is also quick and has only 10 question this is perfect if your some body who hates short quizzes I know there is no sentences whatsoever but im in kind of in a rus enjoy!

Created by: julie idun
  1. do you use public transportation?
  2. is everything walking distance?
  3. do you deal with traffic?
  4. how far is your neighbor?
  5. do you ever see animals?
  6. what do you see outside your window?
  7. do you hear any sounds from outside your window?
  8. is your town dirty?
  9. what type of house do you live in?
  10. how often do you worry about safety

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Quiz topic: How urban am I?
