How Much Of An Urban Midwesterner Are You

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Many "How Midwestern Are You" tests often forget that some of us Midwestern folks live in Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Columbus, Cleveland, Indianapolis, etc. We've never seen a cow, unless we went to a zoo. We've seen nothing but concrete growing up. Casey's pizza is trash, but Pizza Uno/Cottage Inn/Pizza Luce/ is the bomb. Snowmobiling is something people in the sticks do, but fatbiking's our local pastime.

This quiz will determine if you're an urban Midwesterner, a coastie, a suburbanite, or a rural Midwesterner. Feel free to share this with your buddies.

Created by: Lee Beado
  1. It's -5F outside. But you really want to do some shopping downtown. What are you likely going to do?
  2. Fishing is the greatest Midwestern pastime, other than watching pond hockey or drinking hot cider on an autumn day. Your idea of fishing is....
  3. This is the ideal form of transportation for you Nothing else will beat this form of transportation, Nothing ever.
  4. You go here when you want to meet your buddies in the middle of the night.
  5. You're bringing beer to your party. BEER! You're likely bringing this to the party.
  6. High School Hockey and Football.....
  7. The last time you saw a cow was...
  8. Your local (As in, they play in the city proper or a first ring suburb, not a 2nd ring burb or 25 miles away) college basketball team is best described as this.
  9. Favorite fast food place
  10. And finally, what's your favorite Asian food experience?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of An Urban Midwesterner am I
