How tormented was your soul in its past life? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How tormented was your soul in its past life?
Your soul was 31% tormented!
Your soul was hardly tormented and if it was, then it was for a little while! You were a male merchant and you lived quite a happy life trading with other peasants, meeting new people and did not get married! This explains why you love to move around, make friends and for some of you, don't intend to get married!
31% tormented? Seriously? I want to travel, but the thought of planes and boats just make my head spin. And I don't like to make friends! Friend=Betrayal.
Ok . . It's official . . . You're an awesome quizmaker. Lol. I got 46% tormented. Yeesh. Anywhozas . . . It might explain why I 1) rarely cry, 2) always end up faking my moods to seem normal to others, 3) take pride in being the freakiest person most people know, and loads of other things that would take too long to list . . . < -.- > Not to mention to that almost every night I have Deja-Vu dreams!
16% tormented. Completely wrong. My personality is nothing like how it described. Im guessing my personality is close to 100% tormented because im: insane, wanting to kill someone often, love horror, emo. So yeah >.>
Acra1 -
Your soul was tormented because you were a female matyr! Although i can't tell which religion you were, you never stood down against your religion! People criticised you, hit you and at some point you were almost raped! But you still stood out, and you ended up being famous! This is why, today, you never give up in what you believe without a fight!
Hmm... Interesting... Which one?
I was male?! I want to freaking get married! ;-;
31% tormented,
im a merchant?,not get married!
aw will someone marry me? -
Apparently my soul was a happy one...too bad. Hey... I HATE TRAVELLING!
I got 30%..... actually, a lady with the same name as me was the first lady martyr in my religion. So.... yeah...... that's just awkward.....
31% did you know that I don't want to be married?! O.o
54%... Um..... I love the color red and I love horror books and movies....
8% was a female eh? hehe,cool quiz!
6 6 sick1 -
46%....omg!!!!! i think ur right!!! this is creepy...
Ali4ever1 -
wow i only have 8%
Desire1 -
:O 46% holy shizz...
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