How These Famous People Died (Trivia)

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People have many theories on how some famous celebrities croaked. Do YOU think you have a fair idea on these traumatic deaths? If so, then this quiz is just the thing for you!

NOTE: You can totally trust the information in this quiz. All of it is from very factual book resources. I never peeked at any random websites. Anyway, here's hoping hope you ace THE TEST!

Created by: Angel Fox

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How did King Tutankhamun (King Tut) die?
  2. How did Julius Caesar die?
  3. How did Cleopatra die?
  4. How did Christopher Columbus die?
  5. How did Henry VIII (Henry the 8th) die?
  6. How did Charles Dickens die?
  7. How did Pocahontas die?
  8. How did Queen Elizabeth I (the 1st) die?
  9. How did Albert Einstein die?
  10. Sorry this quiz was so short! I'll probably make Part 2 with MORE famous deaths. Anyway, do you believe the information in this quiz is true?

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