Angel Fox's Profile

Angel Fox
Joined on Aug 17, 2013
Status Level: Junior
Angel Fox's Quizzes
- CoFS Part 1: "Destined or Doomed?"[published: Oct 08, 2013, 3 comments]
In a bustling city dwells four destructions that shall live as one, until evil forms that……
- WoS Fangs: Part 4 "Suspicions"[published: Sep 27, 2013, 3 comments]
Hey guys. This is Part 4. Suspicions. Obviously, Lucky doesn't trust Minx. Well, duh, how would……
- WoS Fangs: Part 3 "The Real Endra"[published: Aug 26, 2013, 3 comments]
Yay hooray woohoo yes okay great awesome fantastic nice going good wow whoa wowzers yippee……
- WoS Fangs: Part 2 "Embers of Destiny"[published: Aug 22, 2013, 3 comments]
Here is Part 2 of my series! I hope you enjoyed. Sorry... there aren't any Sun Rays in……
- How Well Do You Know Me?[published: Aug 21, 2013, 3 comments]
For those of you who think you know me well, I dare you to take this quiz. Will it shock and surprise……
- WoS Fangs: Part 1 "Trouble Brews"[published: Aug 20, 2013, 4 comments]
Welcome to the mighty and adventurous land of Stargaze!!! Wolves of Stargaze is a series I've……
- If It's Love-- Part 3[published: Aug 19, 2013, 3 comments]
Here is the next part... hope ya like it! ……
- Which Stargaze Wolf Pack Rank Are You?[published: Aug 19, 2013, 3 comments]
Based on an awesome new story I am creating RIGHT here on! Will you please……
- If It's Love-- Part 2[published: Jul 23, 2013, 1 comment]
I hope you enjoy Part 2! Yay! It's finally here! WHAT HAPPENS THIS TIME... 1.) Your cousin Olivia is……
- If It's Love-- Part 1[published: Jul 06, 2013, 2 comments]
Again, for girls only. Anyway, in this story-quiz, school's out and you're invited to a party. There you……
- Complications Part 1: New Girl[published: Jul 02, 2013, 1 comment]
(QUIZ IS FOR GIRLS ONLY.) This is a story about you, a teenage girl, moving into a strange new……
- How These Famous People Died (Trivia)[published: Jun 26, 2013]
People have many theories on how some famous celebrities croaked. Do YOU think you have a……
- What Ice Cream Flavor Are You?[published: Jun 25, 2013, 10 comments]
Almost everyone in the universe has a liking of ice cream. There are too many flavors to……
Angel Fox's Recent Posts
"Oh my gosh please stop, just stop that is so wrong"
"When you discover there is actually one more chip in the bag. XD"
"When you discover there is actually one more chip in the bag. XD"
"Okay! Thank you guys. Just, ohmygosh, I have SO much to do and I can only be on here once a day!!! DX"
"This looks REALLY awesome! I'd love to see this as a book. ^^"
"I'm really sorry I've been kinda inactive, and without warning too. I just have been super busy with other things. But I missed you guys! Li..."
"oh my gosh LUCKY FIREFLY YOU'RE BACK!!! I just missed you... just SO much!!)"
"Melinda followed happily. "Right!""
"Don't go dark. I know people sometimes feel like they need to be dark to be powerful. More and more people fall to the clutches of their inn..."
"You're so welcome! XD)"
"Bump? Sorry, guys.)"
"Sonic nodded, though he had not really been paying attention to what Ness was saying. "Uh... yeah," he replied blankly."
"Oh, yeah! I'll do that!^^)"
Angel Fox's Recent Quiz Comments
"Which frozen character are you
Your Result: Anna 86%Anna is loyal and kind. She likes to have fun and she shows no fear of…"
1 -
1 -
"Would I Date You?
Your Result: Yes! 87%I would definitly date you. We share similar views and ideas. Perhaps we will meet in…"
1 -
"Which Disney Princess Are You?
Your Result: Cinderella 82%You are most like Cinderella! Cinderella is always loyal the kind.…"
1 -
"ULTIMATE BRAIN POWER. Sweet. Amazing quiz!! ;3"
1 -
"Is it possible that you are my twin?
Your Result: You would be my opposite gender twin!
Hmm.. looks like you would…"
1 -
"For an assignment where we had to choose a story and explain its plot diagram... a friend of mine based it around "There once was a…"
1 -
"Wow you are a 50% brainbox 50%
Not to badYes, it WAS bad!! I did not know anything! Hahaha, awesome quiz!"
1 -
You know 82% about me! 82%Okay, you have learned! Have fun, maybe you will win a prize! Maybe....?
Aweso me quiz! I…"
1 -
"I Can Guess Your GENDER!
Your Result: You Are A Boy. 87%Are you? Please comment, I did NOT use the gender question as I never…"