How smart are you? | Comments

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  • ( 11 riddles correct =0%?) Hello every body.

    If you like stuff to deal with things like the elements and magic, I've got the quiz for you!

    My quiz is called, "What element are you?" I have to admit that I'm sort of a medieval-greek so in my intro you meet this who's like a wizard. His name is Maddios and he is the Elemenalist. The Elemenalist is a lot like the Avatars from the show "Avatar: the last air bender". Just a little different. The Elemenalist study and masters all FIVE elements, which are Air, Water, Earth, Fire, and Spirit.

    In this quiz, sadly, you don't become the Elemenalist. Maddios, the current Elemenalist, gives you a test to take, which helps you see and find out what element you end up having, or "being". For example, I got 87% Spirit, there for, I am supposed to become a Spirit Adept.

    Like I said, if you like stuff to deal with things like the elements and magic, you should consider trying out my quiz.

    -- hadesman1012

  • This quiz completely baffled me. Is it on the level? Here I thought I was pretty smart but this made me out as a complete dummy.

  • 31%. I don't see how riddles show if you are an intelligent person.

  • 72% happy with my score may be these riddles sharpen our brains

  • 56% dang, i always score over 80! still, good quiz. and question 10 - justin bieber! lol :D


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