how smart are you?

"ther are many smart people in this world they just dont realize that their smart in certain subjects that are more closer to their interest other than all of the politics talk."

"are you smart? can you score a sky scraping 100 on this test? if you think you can try out this test testing your social skills memory and brain power ."

Created by: tori
  1. what song are these lyris to? "in the light of the sun, is there anyone..."
  2. who was the 16th pesident?
  3. are you what state boarders virginias west side
  4. what is the energyser mascot
  5. what is the largest state n the us?
  6. finish the statement "life is like a box of chocolates..."
  7. can spray ang wash come in a stick?
  8. is fried chicken or pizza beter for you
  9. can bees have sex while flying?
  10. which place is safer? the middle of the ocean or in a car
  11. what line is in the lyrics for wow i can get sexual too

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?