How well do u no the Game of Life

There are many smart people but few are really smart. Are you smart enough to be smart.( that makes no sense) Well try my quiz again and again and again.(Wow that sounds like a really bad commercial)

Well you could be a 100% student. Well i dont know what else to say since everything I know is in paragraph 1. so take this quiz and i know you'll be bored out of your witts.

Created by: Lily Randoom

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many spaces are on a Life game board?
  2. How many spaces are there between Get married and Buy a House?(including those spaces)
  3. which of the following is not a color car?
  4. How many payday spaces are there?
  5. When u start in Career, how many spaces do you need to go to get to the first payday?
  6. What does the 1st lose ur turn space say?
  7. what color is bride C? (the letter of the bridge is on the bottom of it)
  8. Is this the most boring quiz eva?
  9. This is from the title. Pick which one is right
  10. Last Question: Did u like this test

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