How smart are you?

I think the key to beeing smart is your Attitude!! It is OK to be the Genius!!!! If it is your true self, then go ahead and share it to the world!!!!!! :)

Are YOU the smart one??? Can you get them all right?? Some can and some can't!!!! But thanks to this quiz YOU will find out!!!! Dont be afraid, DO IT!!!

Created by: person
  1. Do you like school??
  2. What is your best subject???
  3. What is your average school grade???
  4. What is your favorite part of the school day??
  5. What do you do after school???
  6. What do you think about summer?
  7. How often do you study????
  8. Do you think that School in the summer is a good thing??
  9. Are you the smart one in school???
  10. Which one do you like more, studing or doing homework?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?