All-Around Subject Test

There are some smart people in the world. Actually, many! But, there are also people who don't try with their grades. This quiz is meant for 7-8 graders.

Let's see how YOU do in school. Answer the following questions and see if you qualify for F,D,C,B, or even A! If you get 100%, you are a true genius, and nothing will ever get in your way!

Created by: Dakota Davenport

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the solution to the following: 8(214-62)-15+-12?
  2. Predator, Prey; Consumer, Producer; Host, ________
  3. 22y if y equals 11
  4. Which of the Great Lakes would pollute most quickly?
  5. Identify the three articles in the English language.
  6. Give the slope of the following pair of points:(1,1) and (3,-3)
  7. Ted's purchase added up to $79.50. If the sales tax was 7%, about how much would he pay in sales tax?
  8. Give the name of this 19th century Tchaikovsky ballet classic in which a princess is threatened by an evil fairy.
  9. Name this most popular Edgar Allen Poe story about a man trying to forget about a dead loved one but feeling like they're still there
  10. The Guptas were a series of rulers who governed an ancient empire located in which modern day South Asian country?

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