How Smart Do You Think You Are

Are you as smart as you think you are. In this quiz today you need to decide if yu are smart enough to be a genius or if your attitude changes that. ☺️:D

Do you think that YOUR a genius. Well let's find out after you take the genius quiz. My advice is to have good attitude or at least a slightly posotive one while taking this quiz.😊:D

Created by: G
  1. How smart do you think you are?
  2. How smart do you think you are?
  3. Whats 1568x2?
  4. Spell philosophy.
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Are you tired of answering questions that you don't think are related to the subject?
  7. Are you bored?
  8. What's your favorite subject at school.
  9. Age?
  10. Gender?
  11. Bye?

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Quiz topic: How Smart do I Think You Are