How similar are our FNAF AUs?

HIII This is my first ever quiz! I was bored and I like making quizzes so I thought I'd give it a go :D Sorry if it's not an amazing quiz but this is my description:

This quiz is about how similar are our FNAF Universes and perspectives on the lore/theories surrounding it! My quiz is pretty short so I'm sorry about that!

Created by: Sophie
  1. Hello! Here's the first question:Who did the bite of 87'?
  2. 2nd Question! What is Mrs Afton's name?
  3. What is C.C.'s name?
  4. Who does Michael Afton possess?
  5. Who is the youngest out of the Afton children?
  6. Who is the "Purple Guy"?
  7. Who is Ennard?
  8. Who is Charlotte Emily?
  9. Do you count Security Breach in your AU?
  10. Why did Mr Afton commit those crimes on those children?

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