How similar am I to Eminem? Take this quiz to find out!

Want to see how close you are to Eminem, how similar you are? Well, take this accurate quiz to find out."It works!" a quiz taker said.'I love it!' Said another.

We all know how amazing Eminem is, but will you find that you are oddly the same as this Detroit rapper? Take this quiz and out your mind at ease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Ella
  1. How long is your hair?
  2. Fav colour?
  3. Fav Place to eat?
  4. Fav type of book
  5. Whats the WRONG fact? sorry i had to
  6. how good can u rap out of 1, being bad, and 10, being eminem level?
  7. hair colour
  8. do you like 8 mile
  9. r you a singer

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