How Should You Get Hit In The Balls

(Boys only) have you ever wondered if you deserve a painful punishment well almost nothing is as painful as getting Hit in the nuts so try this 10 question quiz to see if, and how you should be hit in the balls.

Hope you have fun with this quiz, I also hope you're a good person because if your not you have some pain coming to your balls, because trust me its painful,so good luck.

Created by: Michael Myers
  1. Do you think you're respectful to people who don't respect you?
  2. What do you do when you see a homeless person?
  3. How many times have you been hit in the balls?
  4. How many times have you hit someone in the balls?
  5. Do you think you deserve to be hit in the balls?
  6. Which one describes you?
  7. What would you do if you saw someone getting bullied?
  8. Whats the best Halloween movie?
  9. Just for fun how should I get hit in the balls?
  10. How do you feel right now?

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Quiz topic: How should I Get Hit In The Balls

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