Do you deserve to get hit in the nuts? And how so?

sigma boy and this quiz is made for people who have a goofy fetish in slap their nuts kinda goofy if u ask me and i made this quiz so people can pick what to do

i dont really know what to write yea this was made for people who have goofy fetish over hitting their nuts and actually enjoying it. why 150 wrords kinda goody huak tuah

Created by: kriahsna
  1. Do you like soccer? (Unrelated)
  2. Do you enjoy getting hit in the nuts?
  3. How often do you get hit in the nuts?
  4. Do you have a friend that can help you do these?
  5. huak tuah
  6. soccer unrelated question is related lol
  7. messi better nerd
  8. black or purple
  9. bruh
  10. nah ok i see how it is

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Quiz topic: Do I deserve to get hit in the nuts? And how so?
