How Old Is Your Soul? | Comments

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  • Quite good quiz!
    How Old Is Your Soul?
    Your Result: Old Souls

    The weirdos and saints among us; the mystics, gardeners, and winemakers. Not too interested in rocking the boat or being famous (and they usually aren't, especially in the later stages.) Psychotics and schizophrenics (the other set of people who hear voices) are usually Mature Souls. Most of the famous New Age guru types are also not in this category; rather they are usually Late Young or Early Mature Souls who are still interested in the world drama game or working out karma. Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest fully until after age 35.

    Result Breakdown:
    81% Old Souls
    79% Transcendent Souls
    77% Mature Souls
    43% Baby Souls
    17% Young Souls
    Quiz URL: [no urls]

    It's funny, though, that Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest until after age 35, since I'm only 28 (in this identity, anyway).

  • How Old Is Your Soul?
    Your Result: Old Souls

    The weirdos and saints among us; the mystics, gardeners, and winemakers. Not too interested in rocking the boat or being famous (and they usually aren't, especially in the later stages.) Psychotics and schizophrenics (the other set of people who hear voices) are usually Mature Souls. Most of the famous New Age guru types are also not in this category; rather they are usually Late Young or Early Mature Souls who are still interested in the world drama game or working out karma. Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest fully until after age 35.

    Yup :D

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    2nd:Old Souls
    3rd:Mature Souls
    4th:Young Souls
    5th:Baby Souls

    In this case evolved means that you are ancient, wise and have gotten to a stage where you have found a way to go to another dimension.Like say if humans evolved to a point where they turned into pure energy(like the people who made the gates in stargate or the people who made the monoliths in space oddessey(if you follow stuff like that(not me)))

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    2nd:Old Souls
    3rd:Mature Souls
    4th:Young Souls
    5th:Baby Souls

    In this case evolved means that you are ancient, wise and have gotten to a stage where you have found a way to go to another dimension.Like say if humans evolved to a point where they turned into pure energy(like the people who made the gates in stargate or the people who made the monoliths in space oddessey(if you follow stuff like that(not me)))

  • Transcended Soul, 92% -You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already. I've been taking these, " Soul Quiz(es) " quizzes out of curiosity on what I would be. I have/had previously depression for many years and found life generally dull. I do not get the result description however. Perhaps it involves some kind of spiritual awakening similair to Asian ethic religions...

  • Your Result: Mature Souls

    These are the folks who are questioning everything, themselves and societal norms, among us. Think Greenpeace, Amnesty International and those in perpetual therapy. They do good in the world out of a burgeoning sense of compassion and connectedness. Motto: "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know."

    Transcendent Souls
    Old Souls
    Young Souls
    Baby Souls

    Puppy xo1
  • And also all you people saying this is stupid or what I'm only 12 well this is soul age not age of how old you are from when you were born, if believe souls then souls are many thousands of years older than your body actually is (or at least most of the time unless you are an "infant soul") but remember this is also a random internet test it's expected to be somewhat inaccurate

  • How Old Is Your Soul?
    Your Result: Old Souls 88%

    The weirdos and saints among us; the mystics, gardeners, and winemakers. Not too interested in rocking the boat or being famous (and they usually aren't, especially in the later stages.) Psychotics and schizophrenics (the other set of people who hear voices) are usually Mature Souls. Most of the famous New Age guru types are also not in this category; rather they are usually Late Young or Early Mature Souls who are still interested in the world drama game or working out karma. Old Soul characteristics don't tend to manifest fully until after age 35.

    f---ing shut, and I'm 13 ._.

  • i don't really feel like an old soul, but that's okidoki. It's nice to take a quiz that isn't random, inaccurate, or written badly out of boredom. I could actually understand it, which is quite refreshing. I've never taken a quiz about a topic like this. Gold stars for you! :)

  • How Old Is Your Soul?
    Your Result: Young Souls 79%

    These are the ambitious types among us. They are the catalysts for change, experimentation and drama in our world. Motto: "I crave experience, power, toys, and change."

    69% Old Souls
    45% Baby Souls
    38% Transcendent Souls
    31% Mature Souls

    Yeah, I guess that this is a alright or kinda good quiz. I was expecting something else, but yeah.. I can deal with having this type of soul....


  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls 91%

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    72% Mature Souls
    72% Baby Souls
    50% Old Souls
    19% Young Souls

  • On September 18, 2015 I discovered a spiritual YouTube sensation named Bob Sanders (not the football player), so I'm not surprised that I got transcendent. I am a fighter for spiritual goodness and am completely against evil.

  • Youngn's, if you actually are transcendent, and you didn't cheat the quiz,....... you'll probably understand more fully when you get to 20 to early 20's. I have an understanding. but its not one that I can easily share in a few words. lol, its more of an essay of explanations, or per-say a book. All I can say is give it time.

  • Wow- why on earth this quiz has only 7 stars is beyond me. This quiz is excellent, well-written, and accurate. I really AM a mature soul. Even though I'm only 13, people always tell me I seem 20. Keep making quizzes, this was really great.

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls 91%

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls 91%

    You'r e so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

  • I was matched with the result of old soul. My personality corresponds greatly with the results I was given. I am 13 years of age. Yet my spiritual maturity is that of a senior deacon with an IQ of 196.

  • Transcendent Souls

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

  • TheFatLady:

    Bein g an old soul is a good thing. It means your soul have evolved, that you can bring lots of Good in this world, and to help others evolve. Be conscious in your role and your journey, and in everythng you do. I'm too and I'm nineteen.

  • I got Transcendent, and why are ppl relating there results to there actual age? This has nothing to do with actual age! I'm 12 and Transcendent is the oldest... its soul age not birth age.

  • Your Result: Transcendent Souls 80%

    You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

    69% Old Souls
    57% Baby Souls
    38% Mature Souls
    5% Young Souls

  • Transcend souls,not even really here. I am more so in my own little world just trying to focus on myself and my beliefs more so than others in life. Cool quiz mate.

  • You limited the religions, I'm a Christian and that didn't seem to be on there, but besides that was a pretty good quiz good job!

  • I got transcendent soul and I'm 13 but then I take it again with another set of answers I would put and get mature soul so...?

  • I guess i have a old soul, in a tattered vessel, with a heart that refuses to become jaded, but a spirit that refuses to grow up!


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