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Joined on May 17, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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""You are 0% sexy. Wow, you could easily be a candidate for a "world's ugliest person" contest, so I suggest signing up. You don't have…"
2 -
" got 84% saint and hope to go to heaven someday. I hope to get 100% saint in the future. I am prepared for the biblical end times!"
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"On September 18, 2015 I discovered a spiritual YouTube sensation named Bob Sanders (not the football player), so I'm not surprised that I…"
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"It said cute, but I am average looking, maybe a little below. Alex, would you like to add anything?
Yes. For all the other…"
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"I got 5%. I'm 17 and not as strong as I used to be. I used to be able to bench 165 lbs for a one rep max, but I'm getting weaker because…"