how nice are you?
this is a quiz telling you how nice you are using role-play questions. this quiz is directed mostly towards kids, particularly kids in school, but grown-ups, you can take it too, just imagine you are in this situation. if this is totally inaccurate, which I really hope it is not, sorry! this is only my second quiz. the first one was "what is your common personality type" which is arguably better than this one, but maybe not. I'll give you the link... oh no it says "no URLs". I will put a space between each figure. here it is: h t t p s : / / w w w . g o t o q u i z . c o m / w h i c h _ c o m m o n _ p e r s o n a l i t y _ t y p e _ a r e _ y o u ya that is it! by the way, you might notice how the questions are extremely similar, that's because the quizzes are similar too! I hope you still like them though!!!! try to have fun! sorry, the introductory paragraphs on that quiz aren't as interactive!!! :) :P :O
You know how all of these quizzes say stuff like "please rate me with a "great" or a "good"? well, guess what!! I don't care what you rate me! it is actually ridiculous that I am writing so much on these paragraphs because I never read these paragraphs when I'm taking a quiz!!! but if I were me, this is what I would like to read, so that's what I'm writing. by the way, when someone says "if I were you" they are really trying to say "If I were in your position". If I were you, I would be you! and therefore make your decisions! unless we're talking about some creepy brain swap thing.... ok bye!!!!