how nerdy are you?

i decided to do this because i like creating quizes so i decided hey there are some nerds at my school lets make a how nerdy are you? quiz i hope you like it soy enjoy! :D

see if you a nerd or not a nerd see if you a brainiac or a lazy coach potato take this quiz to find out which you are thanks for the support and i hope you like :D

Created by: owen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like school?
  2. do you like video games
  3. there is a new jacket on the shelve and you love it you...
  4. what grades do you get?
  5. pick a tarot card ( just for lolz )
  6. freaks or geeks?
  7. do you have glasses?
  8. what does the fox say?
  9. safari or google?
  10. do you like math?

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I?