How much you know About royale high (easy)

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Hi this is my fist quiz. You are amazing. Everyone making mistakes. Be kind. Thank when someone give you something free. Say sorry if you do something bad.

Thank you very much for do my quiz:3 I Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for mistakes. You are amazing. Dont forget be yourself. Dont get scamed. Be kind. Learn informativní About royale high.

Created by: Akari
  1. Which year was royale high created?
  2. What is the first Halo in royale high?
  3. Which set is for robux?
  4. How much you get in first place in sunset Island?
  5. How much Cost the 2020 elegant parasol
  6. When is startu royale ball?
  7. Who created royale high?
  8. Is bahias pacifier rare?
  9. Is rare win halo?
  10. What level you must have to unlock trading hub?

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