Clash Royale Ultimate Quiz

Hello and welcome to the Clash Royale Ultimate Quiz! This simple, 60-question quiz will show you how much you know about Clash Royale. You are not allowed to open Clash Royale or any Clash Royale wiki to make it fair. Thanks, and enjoy!

There will be 5 questions about arenas, 5 about Pass Royale, 30 questions about cards, 5 about clans, 10 about chests, and 5 about battles. So let's do it!

Created by: IceDragon716
  1. ARENAS: What is Arena 12 called?
  2. ARENAS: What arena unlocks at 2600 trophies?
  3. ARENAS: How many trophies do you need to get to Master II?
  4. ARENAS: What arena do you unlock Goblin Barrel?
  5. ARENAS: By what percent do people in Challenger I, II, or III lose their trophies during the season reset?
  6. PASS ROYALE: At what tier on the Pass Royale side can you find an exclusive emote?
  7. PASS ROYALE: At what tier on the free side can you find a book of cards?
  8. PASS ROYALE: Which of the following is not included with Pass Royale?
  9. PASS ROYALE: How many tiers are there in Pass Royale?
  10. PASS ROYALE: What is the maximum amount of gold you can get from someone who just got Pass Royale?
  11. CARDS: How much elixir do Wall Breakers cost?
  12. CARDS: How much elixir does Electro Giant cost?
  13. CARDS: How much elixir does Rocket cost?
  14. CARDS: How much elixir does Bomb Tower cost?
  15. CARDS: How much elixir does a mirrored Sparky cost?
  16. CARDS: By what amount does Rage boost troops?
  17. CARDS: How many Skeletons does Graveyard spawn?
  18. CARDS: What are Mother Witch's hogs called?
  19. CARDS: Which of the following is unable to jump over the river?
  20. CARDS: How many cards are unable to be knocked back?
  21. CARDS: Which card counters Sparky?
  22. CARDS: Which card counters Balloon?
  23. CARDS: Which card counters Golem?
  24. CARDS: Which card counters Lumberjack + Balloon?
  25. CARDS: What card counters Elixir Golem + Battle Healer?
  26. CARDS: Which two cards are included in LavaLoon?
  27. CARDS: What two cards are included in Speedy Balloon?
  28. CARDS: Which of the following decks is 2.6 Hog Cycle?
  29. CARDS: Which of the following decks is Classic Logbait?
  30. CARDS: Which of the following decks is LumberLoon Freeze / Loon Freeze Control?
  31. CARDS: Which two cards have great synergy?
  32. CARDS: Which two cards have bad synergy?
  33. CARDS: Which three cards have great synergy?
  34. CARDS: Which 3 cards have bad synergy?
  35. CARDS: Which of the following cards is not a common card?
  36. CARDS: Which of the following is not a rare card?
  37. CARDS: Which of the following is not an epic card?
  38. CARDS: Which of the following is not a legendary card?
  39. CARDS: Which of the following is not a champion?
  40. CARDS: Which of the following is not "Midladder"?
  41. CLANS: How many players can join a clan?
  42. CLANS: What does your clan get if they don't battle enough in Clan Wars 2?
  43. CLANS: On which day of the week can you request epic cards?
  44. CLANS: What roles are there in a clan?
  45. CLANS: At what king level does trading unlock?
  46. CHESTS: Which of the following chests is unable to be purchased in the shop?
  47. CHESTS: How long is the chest cycle?
  48. CHESTS: Speeding up a chest opening using gems costs how many minutes per gem?
  49. CHESTS: Which of the following chests is unable to be obtained from a ladder match?
  50. CHESTS: At what king level can you find gold crates?
  51. CHESTS: At what arena will a Mega Lightning Chest guarantee a legendary?
  52. CHESTS: What rarity of card will a Royal Wild Chest give that is not a wild card?
  53. CHESTS: Which of the following chests was in-game but removed?
  54. CHESTS: How long does it take to open a Legendary Chest?
  55. CHESTS: How many wooden chests can be opened per account?
  56. BATTLES: Which of the following is not a battle mode?
  57. BATTLES: At minimum speed, elixir generates at what rate?
  58. BATTLES: How much elixir will a player start with?
  59. BATTLES: How large is an arena during battle?
  60. How long is a battle?

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