Which Royale High Set Are You?

Hewo! I'm Tori and I play Roblox, mostly Royale High. This is my first quiz so don't judge it please! Anyway, please enjoy this quiz and be sure to show it to others too!

POSSIBLE RESULTS: Spring Cherry Blossom, Fluttering Butterfly, Shadow Empress, Summer Fantasy and Royale Rebel. Enjoy the quiz and share with friends!

Created by: Tori
  1. What do your friends describe you as?
  2. What's your favorite out of these options?
  3. ~SCENARIO ONE~ You and your best friend were walking down the hall of Royale High School when someone shoved your friend down and started yelling at her/ him. What would you do?
  4. ~SCENARIO TWO~ When you were walking to Chemistry, you bumped into a student and he dropped all his books. You decide to...
  5. Choose a fate
  6. Choose a fate Pt. 2
  7. Choose a fate Pt. 3
  8. Sorry this quiz was short! Please share this quiz with your friends!
  9. Bye!!
  10. Please don't hate me but.. Favorite color combination?

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Quiz topic: Which Royale High Set am I?
