How Much Of A Wolf Are You?

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Ever wondered if you were a wolf? Or maybe you know you are a little bit wolf and you want to know just how much? Well, this is the quiz for you! I've worked very hard on making answers for many different types of people, and questions where your answer will perfectly reflect how much wolf you really are.

I have always loved taking quizzes like these, so I hope you all appreciate this one. Don't forget to make sure you answer honestly, otherwise my hard work will be for nothing, and you won't get a truthful result. :D

Created by: WhispWolfTherian
  1. What is your favourite animal?
  2. Do you enjoy eating meat?
  3. You are camping in the forest when you hear a distant howl. A few minutes later, you hear it again. It's closer this time. Everybody else is asleep. Answering honestly (You'll get the most truthful result!) would you...
  4. Which of the below attributes do you think suits you best? (maybe get one of your close friends or someone you know well to answer this for you if you don't know for sure)
  5. Do you know what a therian is? (DON'T CHEAT!! You can research therians after this test. This question won't affect your results much anyway.)
  6. Have you ever growled at someone?
  7. If I was a wolf, my fur would be...
  8. If I was a wolf, my eyes would be...
  9. And finally, if I was a wolf, I would be...
  10. How was this quiz? (Won't affect your results AT ALL, but I want feedback, so be honest please :D)

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Wolf am I?
