What canine are you?

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Hello puppies! This is meh first quiz... Woo u hope you like it. This is a quiz that will test the canine in you and what type you are! Enjoy it!!!!!!

PS: Dont accuse me or get mad if you don't get the results you want ;) THE RESULTS ARE WOLF, FOX, MANED WOLF AND DOG! YOU GUYS BETTER LIKE IT I WORKED HARD LOL

Created by: August
  1. What is your speed?
  2. what's your favorite color?
  3. What's your fav animal??? ;)
  4. Are you excited for results?
  5. Here the results come...
  6. Jk
  7. Someone slaps you in the face UwU what do u do
  8. What types of food?
  9. The end is near! :0
  10. I meant that it's almost the end to the quiz :P LAST QUESTION FOR U ENJOY IT!!!?

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Quiz topic: What canine am I?
